December 20th, 2017 by OYO Team

There’s no better feeling than coming home after a long, hard day. Imagine having that feeling even when you’re on vacation in a different city, far away from your own home. Imagine being able to cook your own food and do everything that you do in your own home, but while on an exotic holiday.

Everyone looks at hotels when they’re travelling, even if they seem too expensive for what they’re offering. Some people think that staying in a home on a holiday means at least some degree of discomfort. They think that a home can never offer them what a hotel can. But booking a home can offer something very unique – your own home away from home.

Here’s why you should book a home on your next trip out of the city.

It’s private.

The most important thing to a lot of people is privacy. And that’s not easily available outside your comfort zone, especially on a holiday. Booking a home means booking a private space for yourself where no one will disturb you during your stay.

It’s all yours.

When you book a home, you get everything with it – gardens, terraces, balconies, swimming pools, and more. You can use all the facilities around the house without having to go through a maze of corridors. And you can even use the open spaces to spruce up on your sports skills. Carry some sporting equipment and get going. You’ll go back from your holiday fitter, healthier and energized.

You can eat whatever you want, whenever you want.

In most hotels, room service gets restricted after a certain hour. And that’s the hour when the stomach starts craving the wackiest things like Maggi with and a or a bun and omelette. You can even try to impress your fellow companions with a few special dishes or try the local cuisine. With no time limits, you can satisfy any craving at any hour.

If you can’t live without home-cooked food, booking your own home while on holiday is the best deal for you.

It’s more affordable.

If you’re going to be staying for a long time, or travelling with a big group, it’s more affordable to book a home. You’ll need to book according to the size of your group but the bigger, the better, right? Travelling with all your cousins or long-time friends will be even better if you can all stay in one big house by yourselves, without any interference about the level of noise you’re making. Huddled up in the living room over steaming hot cups of coffee, and laughing over all the old pranks you used to pull, is an experience you won’t be able to recreate anywhere else.

It’s casual.

The last thing you need, while on holiday, is a formal atmosphere and restrictions. Staying in your own holiday home frees you from all that and lets you enjoy your holiday to the fullest. You can do whatever you want, whenever you want, and not have people in the next room complain about you.

You become more familiar with the place living among locals.

Interact with your neighbours and find out from them where to go for the best food or the best views. After all, who knows the place more than its own people? Instead of relying on travel guides and books, ask the people living around you.

Explore your creative side.

Living in your own home gives you the freedom to find your own spot and explore your creative side. Whether you’re a budding writer, painter, or musician, vacationing in a home is sure to get your creative juices flowing. Even if all you want to do is read a book under the refreshing sun, you can find your own quiet nook and settle down for hours on end.

Plan your next holiday and step away from the conventional lot. Book your stay with OYO Home and make unique memories that will last forever.

Explore OYO Home

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We’re people who love to travel and it’s a pleasure to share our experiences from around the world with you here. You’ll see our favourite destinations, quirky stays and budget stay. Also the best wedding banquet halls and the most lit party destinations. You’ll also find insightful opinions about why we travel in the first place and what it’s really like out there. Enjoy the blog and please tell us what you think - feedback welcome!