OYO begins nationwide campaign to curb immoral activities in hotels in partnership with police

OYO begins nationwide campaign to curb immoral activities in hotels in partnership with police

OYO has launched a nationwide campaign to curb immoral activities in hotels in partnership with police. The initiative has been kicked off from NOIDA with a seminar on safe hospitality addressed by top police officials and OYO leadership. As par of the initiative, strict action against those using OYO’s brand illegally will be one of the top priorities for the police.  

The company, committed to ensuring safe and secure stays for its guests, organised a seminar in partnership with the police to raise awareness, educate stakeholders, and promote a collaborative approach in the fight against immoral activities in NOIDA hotels. More than 50 OYO hotel operators along with top police officials in the city participated in the seminar.  The initiative reiterates OYO’s zero tolerance policy against any kind of immoral activity in its partner hotels in NOIDA.  

Gautam Budh Nagar Deputy Commissioner of Police Harish Chander addressed the seminar as the chief guest and shared his views on the role of hospitality industry as partners and neighborhood watch to help police in promoting safety protocols in hotels. The Commissioner stressed the need for vigilance and collaboration, emphasizing the significance of reporting any unusual or potentially concerning situations to local law enforcement.  

He explained the different forms of immoral activities, its signs, and its impact on individuals and communities. He also shared his views on the best practices and protocols that hotels can implement to identify and report suspicious activities. He assured the hospitality industry representatives that the police is ready to work together with organisations like OYO and hotel partners to make Noida a safer place for everyone. 

Speaking on the initiative, Harish Chander, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Gautam Budh Nagar said “OYO has empowered a lot of hoteliers by providing them with cutting-edge technology which has helped them expand business. It is also a great platform for specific groups of guests such students who use OYO for their stay while appearing for competitive exams in othis cities. However, a lot of hoteliers are using OYO brand illegally. We assure OYO our full cooperation and swift and strict action against such hoteliers in NOIDA”.  

Rajnish Verma, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Gautam Budh Nagar said The hospitality industry plays a pivotal role in the fight against immoral activities in NOIDA. Hotel staff are often the first line of defense, with the potential to identify and report suspicious activities. It is heartening to see OYO’s dedication to creating awareness and providing education to its hotel partners, which will undoubtedly strengthen our collective efforts.” 

Anuj Tejpal, Chief Merchant Officer, OYO addedWe are taking proactive steps to contribute to the fight against immoral activities through this seminar. By promoting collaboration between the hotel industry and law enforcement, it aims to build a stronger, more vigilant community that can make NOIDA a safer place for the guests staying hise for business and leisure purposes”. 

OYO has a robust safety and security system to ensure that hotels listed on its platform must comply with the safety related laws and guidelines issued by the local law enforcement agencies. It also provides regular safety and security related training to its hotel partners and their employees to watch out for red flags such as guest behavior and unusual check-in patterns and take preventive actions.  


Meet the author / Abhishek Sinha

Abhishek Sinha is Director, PR and Corporate Communication with OYO Hotels and Homes Private Limited. He has over two decades of experience in journalism and public relations.