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Chapter 1: Wander Alone

“We should accustom the mind to keep the best company by introducing it only to the best books”- Sydney Smith

When you are travelling solo, a book can be your best companion to enjoy the beautiful views with a dash of literature. Hours spend travelling in buses, or leisure evening sessions at the hotel- just take out a novel and find an escape to every nook and cranny of the world.

This year, let words provide you with the best company in your solo trip. Here’s a list of 10 books you can take when travelling solo.

Best Books To Read While Travelling Alone

  1. Full Tilt- Devia Murphy
  2. Seven Years In Tibet- Heinrich Harrer
  3. Into The Wild- Jon Krakauer
  4. Norwegian Wood- Murakami
  5. The Backpacker- John Harris
  6. Wanderlove- Kristen Hubbard
  7. A Walk In The Woods- Bill Bryson
  8. Shantaram- David Roberts
  9. Man’s Search For Meaning- Victor Fran
  10. All Over The Place- Geraldine Deruiter

1. Full Tilt- Devia Murphy



Based on a true story, this book is just the right dose of inspiration you need on a solo trip. It is based on Devia Murphy’s ride, in 1963, from Ireland to India on an Armstrong Cadet Bicycle. Based on her daily diary, the book recounts her experience of travelling through Persia and Afghanistan, over the Himalayas to Pakistan and finally reaching India.

Suitable For You?

If you are one to prefer autobiographical accounts with a diary format, then this is the right travel partner for you. The narrative is rough and the plot is set in 1963. If you are a history buff, you might prefer reading about the politics of the Middle East and culture of all the places she describes through personal reflections.

2. Seven Years In Tibet- Heinrich Harrer



Seven Years in Tibet is an autobiographical book written by Austrian mountaineer, Heinrich Harrer. The book covers the escape of Harrer and his companion, Peter Aufschnaiter, from a British internment camp in India. On reaching Tibet, he is so intrigued by its culture, that he chooses to stay there and becomes a tutor and friend of the 14th Dalai Lama. The book describes the contemporary Tibetan culture in great detail.

Suitable For You?

The book is known as a landmark in travel writing and is set in the backdrop of the second world war. If you want to read a book with a blend of political, cultural and historical side, then this might be the right fit for you.

3. Into The Wild- Jon Krakauer



‘Into the Wild’ is a non-fiction classic based around the life of the protagonist ‘Christopher McCandless.’ The book is not organised around McCandless’ life but rather Krakauer’s investigation of that life. It follows the journey of Christopher, post his graduation from Emory University.

The book is a heartfelt story of a man who gives up all materialistic things and wanders into the wild, to fend for himself.

Suitable For You?

If you are someone who would love to read a travel book on your solo trip, but just can’t get into the autobiographical style of most books- then this might be the right fit for you. The book uses novel-style description and characterization to tell a true story, plays with philosophical elements and leave the reader with food for thought.

4. Norwegian Wood- Murakami



Norwegian wood is a coming-of-age novel that outlines the story of Toru, a quiet college student and Nokyo, a beautiful young woman and their tragic history marked by the death of their best friend years before. This book takes you back to a time of youth, courage and first love.

Suitable For You

Norwegian Wood is a good example of a bildungsroman. A bildungsroman is a genre of literature that often begins with the story’s protagonist experiencing an emotional loss and then achieving gradual maturity or growth as an individual.  The book would be the right fit for you if you are looking for fiction paired with a positive message.

5. The Backpacker- John Harris



When John’s life is saved by Rick in a train station cubicle on the way to India, the two decide to form a pair of backpackers and from there on begins a journey of wild adventures. From posing as millionaire aristocrats to escaping from the mafia, the book follows their journey and the dangers they face at every turn.

Suitable For You?

‘The Backpacker’ has little cultural content and mainly follows the plot of the two protagonists and their pursue of everything excessive, at any cost. If you want a breakaway and get insight into the adventures (sometimes illegal) of the two heroes of the book, then you might give this one a shot.

6. Wanderlove- Kristen Hubbard



Wanderlove is a heartfelt story of discovering oneself through travelling. It follows the life of eighteen-year old Bria and her quest for independence. As she signs up for a tour of Central America (the wrong one), her journey of self-discovery set in the backdrop of her adventures, finally begins.

Suitable For You?

Wanderlove is a thoughtful narrative and will find an audience among readers willing to take the time to get to know the characters, even if they might not understand their motives always.

7. A Walk In The Woods- Bill Bryson


‘A Walk in the Woods’ is the story of two men who hike the Appalachian Trail with a backpack of all the wrong equipment. The book depicts the experience of undertaking a dedicated hike without appropriate planning and conditioning.

Suitable For You?

Bryson is a humourist and while reading the book, you might fall out out of your chair laughing at odd moments. So, if you’re one to prefer a light, comical break in your solo adventures, then this book is just the right fit for you.

8. Shantaram- David Roberts


Shantaram is a 2003 novel by Gregory David Roberts, in which a convicted Australian bank robber and heroin addict who escaped from Pentridge Prison flees to India. The novel is appreciated by many for its genuine portrayal of the chaotic life in Bombay.

Suitable For You?

Based on the life of the author, this book would be the perfect fit for you if you are looking for a genuine description of India (especially Bombay) and read about the experiences of an ex-convict.

9. Man’s Search For Meaning- Victor Frankl


This book was introduced to the world in 1946 by Victor Frankl- a renowned psychologist and a holocaust survivor. In the book, Frankl shares his experience in the Nazi concentration camps during World War II and describes his psychotherapeutic method, which involved identifying a purpose in life to feel positively about, and then imagining that outcome.

Suitable For You?

For lovers of Psychology, this is a must-read. For others who are looking for self-introspection and food for thought, “Man’s Search for Meaning’ provides just the right escape.

10. All Over The Place- Geraldine Deruiter


The book shares the adventures of the writer- a woman with no sense of direction, motion sickness and an inherent fear of pigeons. It is the perfect portrayal of, ‘no plan is the right plan’ and the fact that you only need a sense of humour and a plane ticket to be able to have the most memorable trip.

Suitable For You?

This book’s specialty lies in the descriptions of the ‘small’ and ‘big’ adventures of the writer. The writing is hilarious, witty and authentic. If you want to read a light book that leaves you with a smile, then do not forget to carry this book.

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