Tempatnya bagus sih keren murah juga harganya cuma minusnya toiletnya ada diluar . Untuk selebihnya mantap dempetan dengan klub malam dan deket dengan minimarket
(Translated by Google) I have an honest review of my experience of staying here, I wanted to attend a graduation so I brought the whole family, stayed here for 3 days, the rooms were very comfortable, clean, spacious too, there were 2 bathrooms, 1 for bathing, 1 for urinating/defecating, the bathroom is a little dirty, but it's not a problem, the water can be normal water, it can be hot water, the water also comes out fast, the AC works well, it's really cold, the TV doesn't turn on, I don't know what the remote is or what, but we don't care either way I don't really watch TV, the location is in a housing complex, it's a bit far to find food if you walk, it takes about 7 minutes to walk to get a food vendor, and yesterday I got a room on the 4th floor, a bit tired because I had to go up and down stairs, but Now the elevator is being built, he said, when I arrived, the elevator was still in the process of building it, I hope the elevator will be finished quickly, but the small shortcomings have been paid for by the service, indeed what my family and I really appreciate is the service, the receptionist is really friendly, what's more? the receptionist was on duty at night, my family and I arrived at 2 in the evening but were still welcomed well, from before I came, I also chatted with the receptionist and the response was very good and responsive, next time I go to SBY, I want to just stay there, for the stated price cheap but the service you get is really great ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Original) Saya review jujur pengalaman nginep di sini, saya mau ngahadirin wisuda jadi bawa sekeluarga sekalian, nginep 3 hari disini, kamarnya nyamannnn banget, bersihhh, luas jugaa, kamar mandinya ada 2, yg 1 buat mandi, yg 1 buat buang air kecil/besar, untuk kamar mandinya memang sedikit kotor, tapi bukan masalah, airnya bisa air biasa, bisa air panas, airnya juga keluarnya kenceng, AC nya berfungsi dengan baik, dingin bangettt, untuk TV memang tidak nyala, Gk tau remotnya atau apanya, tapi gpp kami juga memang gk nonton TV, untuk lokasi memang di dalam perumahan, agak jauh untuk cari makan klo jalan kaki, butuh jalan sekitar 7 menit untuk bisa dapet tukang makanan, dan kemarin saya dapet kamar di lt 4, agak cape karna harus naik turun tangga, tapi sekarang lgi di bangun lift katanya, pas saya Dateng masih proses pembuatan lift nya, semoga aja lift nya cepet selesai, tapi kekurangan" yang sedikit tdi terbayarkan dengan pelayanannya, memang yang paling saya dan keluarga salut yaitu pelayanannya, resepsionis nya ramah bangettttt, apalagi yang resepsionis jaga malam, saya dan keluarga Dateng jam 2 malem tapi masih di sambut dengan baik, dari sebelum Dateng juga saya sudah chatan dengan resepsionis nya dan responnya sangat baik dan responsif, next klo ke sby lgi mau nginep di sana saja, untuk harga yg terbilang murah tapi pelayanan yg di dapet juara bangetttt ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐